JNTU Kakinada Results 2015,JNTU Kakinada B.Tech/MCA /MBA Exam results 2015,www.jntukakinada.edu.in
JNTU Kakinada Results 2015,JNTU Kakinada B.Tech/MCA /MBA Exam results 2015,www.jntukakinada.edu.in
The University grew out of a College that was ‘The College of Engineering, Vizagpatnam’ as was named at the time of its establishment in 1946 by the then Government of the composite Madras State is situated in a sprawling campus of 110 acres filled with mango trees in a fast developing Port city of Kakinada on the east coast of peninsula India and situated in a zone which through generations, contributed significantly to the political literacy and cultural heritage of the country. This college became a constituent of the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University w.e.f 02-10-1972 through an act of legislature along with other sister institutions under the control of the then Director of Technical Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. Earlier, it was affiliated to Andhra University. In the year 2003 the college has become autonomous.

Click here to see results: 1) www.indianexamresults.com, www.indiaexamresults.info or www.newindiaresults.com
The University grew out of a College that was ‘The College of Engineering, Vizagpatnam’ as was named at the time of its establishment in 1946 by the then Government of the composite Madras State is situated in a sprawling campus of 110 acres filled with mango trees in a fast developing Port city of Kakinada on the east coast of peninsula India and situated in a zone which through generations, contributed significantly to the political literacy and cultural heritage of the country. This college became a constituent of the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University w.e.f 02-10-1972 through an act of legislature along with other sister institutions under the control of the then Director of Technical Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. Earlier, it was affiliated to Andhra University. In the year 2003 the college has become autonomous.
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU) Kakinada November 2015 examination results of B.Tech 2nd Year 2nd Semester 2-2 (R07,R05,RR) Supplementary Exam, B.Pharmacy supplementary examination results published. JNTU Kakinada has declared recent exam results are II B.Tech(R07,R05,RR) II Semester Supply, II B.Pharmacy(R10) I Semester Regular, I B.Pharmacy(R07,NR) Supply, II B.Pharmacy(R07,NR) I Semester Supply, II B.Pharmacy(R07,NR,OR) II Semester Supply and III B.Pharmacy (R07,NR,OR) II Semester Supply.
Candidates who applying for Retotalling / Revaluation / Challenege Valuation, apply on or before 10-02-2015. If result come ‘-1′ in Externals field indicates absent for that external exam and ‘-1′ in internals field indicates no internals.
JNTU Kakinada B.Tech 2-2 Supply (R07,R05,RR) Results Nov 2015: http://www.schools9.com/jntuk2401.htm
JNTU Kakinada B.Pharmacy 2-1 (R10) Regular Results Nov 2015:
JNTU Kakinada B.Pharmacy 1st Year (R07,NR) Supply Results Nov 2015:
JNTU Kakinada B.Pharmacy 2-1 (R07,NR) Supply Results Nov 2015: http://www.schools9.com/jntukbh22401.htm
JNTU Kakinada B.Pharmacy 2-2 (R07,OR,RR) Supply Results Nov 2015: http://www.schools9.com/jntukbhr2401.htm
JNTU Kakinada B.Pharmacy 3-2 (R07, NR, OR) Supply Results Nov 2015: http://www.schools9.com/jntukbhr32401.ht
Click here to see results: 1) www.indianexamresults.com, www.indiaexamresults.info or www.newindiaresults.com
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