Maharshi Dayanand University Results 2015,Maharshi Dayanand University Date Sheet & Time Table 2015,

Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU) is one of the most prestigious universities of the region in Northern India. Since 1976, it has done justice to its purpose of having an educational institute that would not only enrich the minds of the younger generation with knowledge from various fields and faculties but also would establish a sense of discipline and harmony between students and their surroundings.
There are two major campuses in the University and two satellite campuses- the Regional Centre offering PG programs at Rewari and the National Law College in Gurgaon. It is affiliated to 126 institutions and colleges, management colleges, pharmacy colleges, and engineering institute.
Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU) has published the datesheet for BBA(C)/ MBA(E)/ BBA/ MBA(IB)/ MTM/ MBA/ BHM/ BBA(E)/ BBA(II)/ MBA(BE) & MCA and Power Management for the exams conducted in…

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