WBJEE 2015 (JEM 2015) Results announced Today,WBJEE Result 2015,WBJEE JEM 2015 Results,WBJEE Result 2015,WBJEE Results 2015 at www.wbjeeb.in
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination
Kolkata (Press Release) : The result of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEM-2015) (for admission to degree level Engineering / Technological, Medical, Dental etc. courses in Universities / Colleges / Institutions in West Bengal) will be declared on Thursday, the 27th May, 2015. In this context, a Press Conference has been arranged on the same day at 12.00 noon at the 8th Floor of the Office of the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board.
WBJEE JEM 2015 Results
WBJEE Result 2015
The result of JEM-2015 will be available in the following electronics media from 3.00 p.m on Thursday, the 27th May, 2015 :
1. Websites :
1. Websites :
(i) http://results.banglarmukh.gov.in
(ii) http://www.calcuttatelephones.com
(iii) http://www.indiaresults.com
(iv) http://www.exametc.com
(v) http://rediff.com/exams
(vi) http://www.wbjeeb.in
(vii) http://www.csc-et.in
2. SMS :
(ii) http://www.calcuttatelephones.com
(iii) http://www.indiaresults.com
(iv) http://www.exametc.com
(v) http://rediff.com/exams
(vi) http://www.wbjeeb.in
(vii) http://www.csc-et.in
2. SMS :
By sending SMS - ‘WBJEE space Enrolment No.’ to :
(i) 57333 , 5676750, 56300 , 52424, 54545, 54242 & 58888 (accessible from any mobile operator across India.)
(ii) 56505 ( accessible from BSNL mobile connection)
(iii) 56506 ( accessible from Reliance mobile connection)
(iv) 56730 ( accessible from Vodafone mobile connection)
(v) 543212222 ( accessible from Airtel mobile connection)
(vi) 55456 ( accessible from Idea mobile connection)
( Example : suppose Enrolment No. is 499150 then SMS - WBJEE 499150 )
3. Voice :
(i) 57333 , 5676750, 56300 , 52424, 54545, 54242 & 58888 (accessible from any mobile operator across India.)
(ii) 56505 ( accessible from BSNL mobile connection)
(iii) 56506 ( accessible from Reliance mobile connection)
(iv) 56730 ( accessible from Vodafone mobile connection)
(v) 543212222 ( accessible from Airtel mobile connection)
(vi) 55456 ( accessible from Idea mobile connection)
( Example : suppose Enrolment No. is 499150 then SMS - WBJEE 499150 )
3. Voice :
By making a call to the undermentioned mobile connections :
(IVRS) : 1255560 (BSNL); 56566 (Reliance); 56731(Vodafone) ; 543212222 (Airtel) ; 5545678 (Idea); 54321234 (TATA Docomo) and 58888 (accessible from any mobile operator across India.)
4. Telephone :
(IVRS) : 1255560 (BSNL); 56566 (Reliance); 56731(Vodafone) ; 543212222 (Airtel) ; 5545678 (Idea); 54321234 (TATA Docomo) and 58888 (accessible from any mobile operator across India.)
4. Telephone :
By dialing to the following Telephone Nos :(i). (033) 2223 4214
(ii) (033) 2223 2451
5. Info kiosk :
(ii) (033) 2223 2451
5. Info kiosk :
In addition to above, an arrangement has been made by the ‘Kolkata Information Centre’ to get result instantly from the Information Kiosk of ‘Kolkata Information Centre’ ( nearer to Rabindra Sadan)
WBJEE 2015 (JEM 2015) Results announced Today,WBJEE Result 2015,WBJEE JEM 2015 Results,WBJEE Result 2015,WBJEE Results 2015 at www.wbjeeb.in
WBJEE 2013 (JEM 2013) Results announced Today
WBJEE JEM 2013 Results
WBJEE Result 2013
WBJEE Results 2013 at www.wbjeeb.in

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