mes cpe results 2015,www mes gov in result 2015,mes cpe exams results 2015,MES CPE Results 2015,,Mauritius CPE Exams Results 2015
MES CPE Results 2015
The Mauritius Examinations Syndicate is committed to organise and conduct examinations at all levels consistent with national policies and goals and in line with emerging international trends. The MES ensures that its examinations are valid and reliable and that standards are maintained in view of international recognition.
A worldwide revolution in information and communications technologies is currently occurring. The Internet, the personal computer, the mobile phone and other modern communication devices are fundamentally changing our lives affecting the way we work, learn and interact.
Traditionally, interactions between a citizen or business and a Government agency used to take place in Government offices and with the emergence of information and communication technologies, it is possible to service citizens more efficiently and practically through a service kiosk or a personal computer, for instance.
E-Government refers to the use by Government agencies of information technologies (such as Wide Area Networks, the Internet and mobile computing) to transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government, for:
E-Government encompasses the electronic delivery of quality services to the citizens and the business community while at the same time facilitating inter- and intra- Governmental exchange of information in an effective and efficient manner. Analogous to e-commerce, which allows businesses to transact with each other more efficiently (B2B) and brings customers closer to businesses (B2C), e-Government aims to make the interaction between Government and citizens (G2C), Government and business enterprises (G2B), and inter-agency relationships (G2G) more friendly, convenient, transparent, and cost-effective.
E-Government presents Mauritius with tremendous opportunities to move forward in the 21st century with higher quality and cost-effective Government services and gives rise to a better relationship between Mauritian citizens and the Government.
Dear intelligent students now finally the Mauritius has been declared the
CPE written exam results 2015. The Burdwan University result waiting students can get their results at below mention official website link.
All CPE exam results 2015 waiting students check your result Mauritius Official website.
Mauritius Examinations Syndicate CPE online results provided at below mention official website just click below this link to find out your results.
The MES ensures that its examinations are valid and reliable and that standards are maintained in view of international recognition.In the conduct of examinations, it provides a high level of confidentiality and security, so vital for strengthening confidence among the users of its services and the public in general.
Mauritius Examinations Syndicate CPE result exam availble here.
Government Online Centre,
Module 05B4, 5th Floor,
Cyber Tower, Ebene Cybercity,
Rose Hill , Mauritius
Tel: +230 454 9955
Fax: +230 466 9840
The Mauritius Examinations Syndicate is committed to organise and conduct examinations at all levels consistent with national policies and goals and in line with emerging international trends. The MES ensures that its examinations are valid and reliable and that standards are maintained in view of international recognition.
Traditionally, interactions between a citizen or business and a Government agency used to take place in Government offices and with the emergence of information and communication technologies, it is possible to service citizens more efficiently and practically through a service kiosk or a personal computer, for instance.
E-Government refers to the use by Government agencies of information technologies (such as Wide Area Networks, the Internet and mobile computing) to transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government, for:
- better delivery of Government services to citizens;
- improved interactions with business and industry;
- citizen empowerment through access to information; and
- more efficient Government management.
E-Government encompasses the electronic delivery of quality services to the citizens and the business community while at the same time facilitating inter- and intra- Governmental exchange of information in an effective and efficient manner. Analogous to e-commerce, which allows businesses to transact with each other more efficiently (B2B) and brings customers closer to businesses (B2C), e-Government aims to make the interaction between Government and citizens (G2C), Government and business enterprises (G2B), and inter-agency relationships (G2G) more friendly, convenient, transparent, and cost-effective.
E-Government presents Mauritius with tremendous opportunities to move forward in the 21st century with higher quality and cost-effective Government services and gives rise to a better relationship between Mauritian citizens and the Government.
Dear intelligent students now finally the Mauritius has been declared the
CPE written exam results 2015. The Burdwan University result waiting students can get their results at below mention official website link.
All CPE exam results 2015 waiting students check your result Mauritius Official website.
Mauritius Examinations Syndicate CPE online results provided at below mention official website just click below this link to find out your results.
The MES ensures that its examinations are valid and reliable and that standards are maintained in view of international recognition.In the conduct of examinations, it provides a high level of confidentiality and security, so vital for strengthening confidence among the users of its services and the public in general.
Mauritius Examinations Syndicate CPE result exam availble here.
Government Online Centre,
Module 05B4, 5th Floor,
Cyber Tower, Ebene Cybercity,
Rose Hill , Mauritius
Tel: +230 454 9955
Fax: +230 466 9840
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